Saturday 10 December 2011

Thoughts I Had #8: Have Incredible Dreams!

‎"I hope that your dreams are bigger than life. I hope that they're bigger than where you are right now. I hope that your dreams have capacity. I hope that they have room for you to grow and develop and perhaps be the person that you would really like to become. Because you see, right now, you are who you are; but your potential could be INCREDIBLE what you could become. The only the way to become bigger in life, is to have dreams that are BIGGER than life." 
- John C Maxwell

Dreamt of travelling the world? Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro? Inventing the most creative cellphone? Changing the society? Saving lives? Now all your childhood dream would have appeared in your mind :) I once blogged about being rebellious for what you really want. Everyone has always more than one dream. Life is worthwhile when we get most of our dreams, realised, even if we can't get all to come true.

Once I read a phrase saying, "If your dream is not scary to you, it's not ambitious enough". It totally supported what John Maxwell said - "I hope that your dreams are bigger than life". It's true in a way if you dream or goals are something that you are sure that you can reach it, it's not a dream nor a goal. But if you have that one big dream, which scares you off so badly because it's too big to dream for; yet you have that itchy feeling in you to go for it; you should then start to take positive baby steps to move closer to your dreams. Even if you won't be able to reach it in the end, you would have accomplished things you could never had imagined! Just like what John Maxwell said again, "I hope that they have room for you to grow and develop and perhaps be the person that you would really like to become."


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