Saturday 11 August 2012

Thoughts I Had #10: Learning VS Doing

From Forbes: "Learning is good, Doing is better."

Good reminder for all of us. We often love to read and learn; but what happens after a good book read was put back onto the shelf?

So put your learning into action. Turn knowledge into wisdom. To do all these, it comes from one person and it's you. It comes from within yourself, it is your choice to make, not anyone else.

I've heard from many people at work, at Facebook, at gatherings, at random chats saying that they need extra learning, training, inspiration, motivation, development, opportunities etc. My first curiosity was always "What did you do for yourself?". I'm curious to know have they ever taken any first step to get to what they need, have they ever tried all means to improve themselves.

What I learn from people, especially those who didn't even hold a degree but are great entrepreneurs is that - If they want something, they tried every way to make things work, to get to where they want. They do not hold anyone accountable for their lives, but themselves.

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