Sunday 12 August 2012

Something New A Week #39 - First Audition Ever

Since young I was always on stage. It's either singing or dancing or story-telling; or choral-speaking. It's funny how the more you grow up, the more you forget to hold to these things that once built up your confidence; that once keep you being creative.

Stepping into university and now working life; I'm very grateful for all the learning and experience I've picked up; and for the so many achievements that I've had. But there's this one small corner in my heart, back in my head still reminding me of how I used to take control of the stage to present a message to the mass.

How amazing God's timing was that my church opened an audition for their Performing Arts program. I decided to try it out and I gave it a shot on that very Sunday afternoon.

It was really fun! I sang in front of Juwita Suwito and Michael; acted in front of them and we all danced to a choreography together. I'm thankful for the comments they gave, and for the simple things I learned in performing arts throughout that session.

Even if I fail, I'm glad I had my first real audition ever :)

The script that we need to remember 

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