Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Something New A Week #54 - The Canvas Huddle!

I'm very grateful for the people I work with and the people I lead. They made me who I am. Because of their drive, their attitude, their spirit, their thoughts, their ideas, their enthusiasm - I learned a lot from them instead! Brought the team out for a quarterly sharing session on each departments. 

I'm not a fan of boring office meeting space. I've got to say Groupon has great meeting space indeed! Yet once it's used quite often you tend to get bored with it too, so for this special huddle I've decided to support a new venture - The Canvas! They are a creative space which provides you.... SPACE! To do whatever you want, party, meetings, meet up, team building etc etc!

For more info, feel free to view The Canvas here.

What's new to me: 
The Canvas has this long huge wall for you to doodle to your heart's content!

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